Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Training Update

So far this week I have swum 1600 yards (Monday at Braemar) and ran 5 miles (Tuesday at Balboa Park). Both times Ryan joined me. On Monday he helped me train for the swim by randomly blocking, hitting and kicking me while I did my laps (not hard - no bruises) and on Tuesday he pedaled behind me the whole way (his longest ride yet!). I think the other people in the pool were very curious as to what he was doing to me on Monday.

Tonight is our regular coached swim, should be 1600 yards at a minimum, and tomorrow I should be riding but we'll have to see as the kids are still at home in the morning. Friday will be another swim and then the weekend hits.

We have our Mock Tri at Malibu on the 23rd, so I'm considering that a race and gearing-up for it accordingly.

For those of you who are interested, I'm using GU20 for my hydration and electrolyte replacement, GU gels for fuel, and Cytomax Recovery or chocolate milk as my recovery drink/food. I'm also eating a banana every day or about an hour before a workout to help avoid cramping. I've found the GU brand to be very easy on the stomach, same with the Cytomax Recovery.

I'm also giving FRS a try for a "natural" energy boost - I'll tell you the results in a couple of weeks.

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