Tuesday, December 30, 2008

First Post-Bike Fit Report

It took an extra day but I got a ride in today. This morning I rode up to the pool (2.6 miles each way), swam, and rode back. My house is part-way up a pretty steep hill.

When I first started training 8 months ago I couldn't get a quarter of the way up it (I actually packed running shoes in a backpack and switched at the bottom of the hill so I could walk my bike up). A couple of months later I was able to ride all the way up, albeit huffing and puffing and standing up on the bike.

Today, for the very first time, I made it all the way up the hill in a seated position! I haven't ridden the hill in 6-8 weeks, so it's not from practice that I accomplished this.

The only thing that changed was the bike fit, and Ian assures me that the extra power I was able to use during the climb is from the fit, and that there will be more changes, such as an increase in average speed, in store for me.

My recommendation? Get a bike fit!

p.s. Another new personal best today: 40.5mph on the bike. I can remember way back to the summer of '08 when 24mph scared me silly.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Zombie Apocalypse

Just got a copy of Left4Dead - this year's "Doom." I haven't played a first-person shoot-'em up in, whoa, 10 years?!?!?!?!? Very cool game, more of a review to come.


Now that I've got Facebook pretty much under control, I'm turning my focus to LinkedIn. I picked-up the book I'm on LinkedIn, Now What??? A Guide to Getting the Most Out of LinkedIn and it's got some great tips.

If you have any suggestions or tips for using LinkedIn, or would like to connect with me, please do so! You can click here to see my profile.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Training Happenings

It's been an interesting weekend!

Aside from four holiday parties in the last five days (seriously, if attending those doesn't make for a good reason to train hard, nothing does), I finally caved-in and got a bike fit, from Ian Murray of Triathletix here in LA.

The fit consisted of taking a look at my current position on the bike, discussing a number of things, and then "aero converting" my bike and adjusting from there. By "aero converting," which is Ian's specialty, I mean changing the seat tube for one that increases the forward angle of the seat (more vertical), lowering the seat and handlebars a bit, and attaching aero bars (they look like horns coming straight out from the front of the bars). By doing all of this I will decrease drag significantly while riding, which should make riding easier and faster. Of course, this was all adjusted for optimum positioning on the bike, which Ian tells me will help relieve my IT Band pain and some upper shoulder pain while riding. I'll be on the bike tomorrow to really give it a workout.

I also got a run in today. This is notable because I haven't really run at all since early November. My left knee was giving me some trouble so I've been patiently rehabilitating it and today, while wearing a strap, I ran 5 miles (at a 9-minute average pace) with 1/4 mile warm-up and cool-down walks. My knee felt great! unfortunately, my IT band did not. I think it's time for a follow-up visit with my ortho doc.

Happy New Year everyone!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Why Didn't I Think of That?

What a concept: a calendar covered in bubble wrap!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Dream Stealing

And so it starts...

My friend Joe just sent me this link about a group in Japan that is able to record simple images from the human brain.

Increase Test Scores for Free!

Just read an article about the daily wake/sleep rhythms of teenagers and how adjusting school start times yields more attentiveness and fewer car accidents.

Certainly our society has the common sense to change things when it benefits society as a whole, as a number of states have already done. Without changing budgets, changing teachers or acquiring new equipment/training, we could increase the testing scores of high school students overnight. So why don't we do it?

Years ago when we were looking for schools for our son, we found one with a policy that really resonated with me. The school had researched and concluded that boys have a much shorter attention span than girls (ya think?) and that getting them up and moving at regular intervals allowed them to concentrate better. So, every 20 minutes the kids would switch classes. It seemed to work with them.

As a country, and a state (California) we have a huge education problem. So why not take the low-hanging fruit, so to speak, and make things easier for everyone? For young kids, start early and get them moving more. For older kids, start an hour later. There will be issues with after-school programs and timing, but we'll adjust. After all, the first priority should be our kids' welfare. We've adjusted to the current schedule, we can adjust again.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Pre-Season Halfway Point

It's back to pre-season pre-training starting today. I took the last week off to let my body get itself back together and let me tell you, it felt good to be pain-free! I did miss the endorphins though.

Today was my first day back and I continued the "anatomical adaptation" phase of my strength training with the "B" program (based on the program put out by TTS). I'm getting used to the gym again and my legs are definitely getting better.

Over the next 4 weeks or so I'll go through the program, then take a break, and head into a real strength building phase in January, which will correspond with the beginning of actual tri-training for the Wildflower Olympic tri in May and possibly the Solvang Century in March (I'm now debating doing this as it has become apparent that it will throw a significant wrench into my tri-training plans).

Warm and Fuzzy: Multiple Kill Vehicle

This link will take you to a video of a test of a "multiple kill vehicle."

Sound like something from The Matrix? You bet!

A bunch of these will be launched in a carrier vehicle straight into the path of an incoming ballistic missile. When it reaches some predetermined point, the carrier will release a bunch of these nasties and they will be guided in to intercept all the anti-nasties released by the missile, detonating them in flight.

Wow - all those ideas in sci-fi books I read as a kid are coming true...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Business Question Poll

I'm evaluating a new business opportunity and need some feedback. This will take 30 seconds of your time. If you can help me, please click below and answer the question. Thanks!
