Friday, April 18, 2008

Took the Plunges

As of 10 minutes ago I am signed-up for the Malibu triathlon in September. Training starts next month. Woohoooooooooooo! (I won't be saying that in a couple of months, so I'm told).

My friend Gerry, who competed last year in Pacific Grove and is a mentor this year, and who will be my mentor, is already promising that he is going to "break" me. Yeah, good times in LA happening soon...

Does anyone know if you can compete in a triathlon AND carry a DSLR to take shots at the same time? Didn't think so. I'll have to start training Deb how to use the beast.

In other news, I'm signed-up for my first ever group photo shoot, next month at a studio in LA. Should be a ton of fun, and my new friend Kim is going with me. We're really psyched and if anyone has any tips or knows any models that want to attend our practice shoot on 5/4 (TF*), let me know!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Accomplishing the Impossible

We just completed our daughter's 8th birthday slumber party. If you have never had 10 little 7-9 year old girls sleep over you don't know what you're missing, and honestly, you probably don't want to know! They got to sleep at a relatively early midnight, and woke up at a relatively late 6:30am. It was interesting seeing all of the different personalities, quirks and attitudes yet, for the most part, they all got along exceptionally well. Alright, enough typing, time for some more birthday cake and a nap...

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Chris Howard, a friend from the early days at is turning into quite the author and artist. He's releasing a new book, Seaborn, and I urge you to check it out. If you pre-order he will send you a complimentary print of one of his paintings which are really well done. Software architect, writer and painter all rolled into one, Chris is the man!

Find out more at his blog.

Chapter 1

It's about time I started my own blog so here it is and I hope to provide something funny, something interesting, something helpful, who knows, just something!

I'm interested in music, photography, technology, fitness, tennis, triathlon, networking, family and more, so there's plenty of blog-fodder to be had - stay tuned and let's see what develops!